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Basement Blues

This past week I finished all seven rows of Olivia's quilt.  They have been sitting for days all rolled up waiting to be ironed and then sewn together.  The reason the rows are not already ironed and completed is because I have been working on cleaning out the basement this weekend. 

So far I have taken out four big bags of garbage and have about two big bags full of clothes to donate to the Rescue Mission.  I must have carried at least 20 EMPTY cardboard boxes out of the basement into the garage.  I have been breaking them down one by one to put in the recycle box.  What a shock to find out a lot of the clutter in the basement was just stacks of empty boxes!! With them all removed it looks HUGE down there again. 

Most of the garbage was old stuff I saved from school that I really didn't need to keep after all (ie. lesson plans from 1994-on). OMG!! Why can't I throw anything away?!  I'm still working on it...but you know I am Harriett reborn, and end up sitting on the floor looking at everything for hours, not really accomplishing anything.  It is so hard to throw stuff away or even give stuff away.  I don't know how you did it, cleaning out an entire house! Hopefully, I'll have the basement done before I have to go back to school next week my back gives out!  ;) I'll keep you posted! 
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